Requests for donations and sponsorships

Requests received will be processed within 8 to 10 weeks following their recepction by the corporate committee in charge of donations and sponsorships.
  • Eligibility

To be eligible, a project must meet the following criteria:

  • Included in one of our core areas of interest: education; environment; health, safety and social services; arts and culture.
  • Impacts one or more of the communities in which we have facilities.
  • Exclusions

We do not accept to donate to the following:

  • Political organizations
  • Religious organizations
  • Organizations funded by United Way/Centraide, since we already contribute to United Way on an annual basis
  • Private events such as family celebrations, etc.
  • Mass mailings or form letters
  • Individuals

To apply for a donation or sponsorship, please follow the procedure below.

"*" indicates required fields

where the donation must be sent if grant is approved
The field of interest to which the project corresponds*
Here are some examples: logo or publication on the website, presence of company representatives at the event, etc.
Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, Max. file size: 96 MB.
Upload requirements*

  • Note that only applications submitted online will be reviewed by the corporate grants and sponsorships committee
  • Requests received will be processed within 8 to 10 weeks following their receipt by the corporate grants and sponsorships committee.
  • Given the large volume of applications received, only accepted applications will receive a response.
  • Follow ups, if any, should be done by email
  • An application that includes all the information indicated will have an accelerated processing time. Conversely, an incomplete application could be rejected.