The ArcelorMittal National Robotics Final on May 31: A Showcase of Young Canadian Talent

30 April 2019



CONTRECOEUR, April 30, 2019 – In accordance with ArcelorMittal’s global policy of supporting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) organizations and events, ArcelorMittal’s main Canadian business units are proud to announce a renewal of their partnership with Zone01 Robotics. ArcelorMittal Long Products Canada, ArcelorMittal Mining Canada/Infrastructure Canada and ArcelorMittal Dofasco have joined forces to support the 2019 Canadian finals of the organization’s competitions, named “ArcelorMittal National Robotics Final” since last year.

On May 31, several hundred young people under the age of 20, representing the best teams, will gather at Le Taz Recreation Centre in Montreal for the national finals. From schools and robotics clubs in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia, teams of students will attempt highly colourful and creative challenges. Whether the competitions involve remote-controlled vehicles, table hockey games with robots, or other challenges, the youngsters will make good use of their knowledge and skills. Victory will take some of them to the international World Robot Olympiad (WRO) finals in Hungary this coming November.

Since robotics has become increasingly important for businesses, this kind of contest can light the fire of future opportunities for young people. “We are excited to work with Zone01 Robotics again this year and partner with other ArcelorMittal segments across the country in making this happen,” explains Louis-Philippe Péloquin, Communications Director for ArcelorMittal Long Products Canada. “Even though iron mining and steel production have been around for a long time, we are always looking for ways to operate more efficiently and safely. An increasing part of our operations involve automation and robotics, so even though the main point of competitions like this one is to have fun, some students may develop a lasting interest for robotics and science along the way.”

Zone01 Robotics is a not-for-profit organization that promotes STEM education among youngsters by supporting robotics education in classrooms and organizing robotics competitions in Canada.

Across the country, ArcelorMittal business segments sponsor many initiatives related to STEM education to nurture a pipeline of talented scientists and engineers and help solve tomorrow’s challenges.