ArcelorMittal’s Superheroes of Quality: Now Featured in Our Mills!

20 February 2018

To make top-quality steel right the first time and safely, all our employees must work together, from order entry to the final delivery to our customer. Every step is essential to ensure that our steel meets customers’ expectations. No customer must be neglected. To reinforce this important message, in 2016 we filmed “Our Steel, My Pride”, a video featuring a young boy proudly describing his father’s job. In the boy’s eyes, his dad’s a quality superhero.

To continue in the same vein, we recently produced the Superheroes of Quality video featuring some of our employees and focusing on the same mission: to make top-quality steel!

The video, filmed like a movie trailer, explains that our employees have four “super-powers”, which are also the four stages in manufacturing top-quality steel. Our Superheroes:

  • Understand customers’ needs
  • Control manufacturing processes
  • Control product quality
  • Make quality deliveries

In addition to various steel-production activities, there are images of projects where our steel is being used, including the new Champlain Bridge currently under construction in Montreal. 

You can view this video here or on our Videos page, where you will find many other videos showcasing our product, our locations, our people and our health and safety focus.